Yuko Mohri: Voluta: Camden Arts Centre, London

2018年7月6日 - 9月16日

The exhibition orchestrated relations between electromagnetic force-fields, patterns of light moving through water and a reconfigured Yamaha reed organ from 1934. Developed responsively to the architecture and surrounding environment of the galleries, Mohri’s audio-spatial composition revealed the interconnectedness of man-made and natural processes, inviting non-human agents and chance factors to determine the score.


In this new commission, error, improvisation and feedback figured into an acoustic environment that mapped shifting relationships between material things and conceptual propositions. Music and sound are central to Mohri’s practice. Her involvement with the experimental music scene in Japan included collaborations with Otomo Yoshihide and the internationally acclaimed composer, pianist and electronic musician Ryuichi Sakamoto. As part of Voluta, sound art pioneer Akio Suzuki performed live in the gallery.



Installation view of “VolutaCamden Arts Centre, London, 2018

Photo by Damian Griffiths