- at hand, 2021
- mypoemisfinishedandIhaventmentionedorangeyet, 2019
- Untitled (duck, owl, alexa, kong), 2019
- the nutcracker, 2018
- Display #92 - Collectibles of Maria Kornherr, 2018
- Medea’s lament, 2017
- Untitled (dog chew, globe, Darth Vader), 2016
- Untitled (Pantone 286), 2016
- itwouldlooklikethis, 2016
- pantone072U, 2016
- Untitled (bowl, dog chew, fin), 2016
- hello again, 2013
- oxygen, 2011
- Forsythia PLS5/2SB, 2010
- Forsythia PLS5/2SB [detail], 2010
- Display #66 - P & S, 2009
- mandarin red 2, 2008/2012
- crate & barrel 2, 2008
- a military theme, 2008
- it is III-1, 2008
- Display #55 - North East South West, 2000
- Display #37 − Untitled (wheelbarrow, bricks), 1995
- Display #30 - An Offering - Collectibles of Jan Hoet, 1992
- Untitled (breast mugs, Marilyn guitar) I-2, 1990
- Untitled (mattress shopping cart), 1990
- Display #23 - Adirondack tableau, 1988
- Display #23 - Adirondack tableau [detail], 1988
- on vend du vent, 1988
- ultra red #1, 1986
- un-color becomes alter ego, 1984
- Shelf with Picnic Set, 1983
- Shelf with Coach, 1983
- Display #7, 1980
- Display #11 - Mock up for Tim's bedroom, 1980
Display #55 - North East South West, 2000